" Dare To Dreams. I am Your Dreamcatcher. "



A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. Farhah Sukri. Sweet 16. MJSC PDRM.




© 2013 - Skins by IKA. thanks to Adila, Mayra, hanie & fiqa for the other codes and stuff. do tell me if im not credit yours. dont remove the credits. *peace*
written by ika at Wednesday, 23 November 2011 & got 0 Comments

Annyong ! Hello worthlings. Aku kan baru kt blog ni. So, hai la kt aku. Hihik. Fyi, aku tahu blog aku tak comel cute manis mcm blog korang tapi follow la. I'm getting started. Kesian aku. Puihh. Okay,want to know anything bout me? Just a simple and awful and worthless and bla bla bla girl. Okay, now that annoying rite? kesah plak aku. Maaf terkasar bahasa. Aku memang pelik. Okayy, pelik. And aku nk pegi dekat straight to the point. SUPERNUDNUD <3. Okayy, aku sayang kau. terima kasihh :* berbanyakbanyak lah kay sebab tolong aku buat blogg ni sampai tengah mlm. nanti aku belanja kau kfc. okay takk, aku tipu kau je. peace (Y) hikhik. SUPERNUDNUD is a super duper friend tau. befriend with her, she's friendly (: but sometimes rasa macam nak bagi penyepak je kat kau, soryy sayang.

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